We offer a callback service that will notify your system when you create, change or delete a resource. This is useful e.g. when you want to mark an order as paid, update your shops inventory and so on.
The callback service is asynchronous and as such will not interfer with or prolong the processing time of the API request generating a callback – eg. the time your customer will have to wait for payment confirmation.
In the event that your system is not able to receive or correctly process the callback, the callback service will try to deliver its message up to 24 times, with gradually increasing delays between each try.
Important! Currently only payment and subscription operations (authorize, capture etc.) will trigger a callback.
How it works
When you create, change or delete a resource a HTTP POST request is sent to the callback URL defined in your Account settings.
A callback URL can also be specified in each operation request to the API with the header QuickPay-Callback-Url, or in each request to the Payment Window with the field callbackurl.
Request headers
The request headers contains some important information.
Header | Description |
QuickPay-Resource-Type | The type of resource that was created, changed or deleted |
QuickPay-Account-ID | The account id of the resource owner – useful if receiving callbacks for several systems on the same url |
QuickPay-API-Version | API version of the callback-generating request |
QuickPay-Checksum-Sha256 | Checksum of the entire raw callback request body – using HMAC with SHA256 as the cryptographic hash function. The checksum is signed using the Account’s private key. We strongly recommend that you validate the checksum to ensure that the request is authentic. |
Request body
The request body contains the resource as it exists after the change – ie. it is equivalent to GET /<resource>/<identifier>.
We expect a response http status code of 2xx, 302 or 303 to the callback. Otherwise the callback is failed and will be retried after an hour. When http status in the response is 301 or 307 we redirect the callback to the url in the Location header.
Order of callbacks
The callbacks are asynchronous and can be delivered in any order. However, callbacks on the same resource are guaranteed to be delivered in the same order the operations (create, change or delete) happen. E.g. callbacks for authorize and capture on the same Payment will always be delivered in that order, but two callbacks on different Payments will come in any order.
Request example
This example shows a callback generated when authorizing a payment:
“id”: 110376903,
“merchant_id”: 5,
“order_id”: “14192826166”,
“accepted”: true,
“type”: “Payment”,
“text_on_statement”: null,
“branding_id”: null,
“variables”: {},
“currency”: “DKK”,
“state”: “new”,
“metadata”: {
“type”: “card”,
“origin”: “form”,
“brand”: “dankort”,
“bin”: “100002”,
“last4”: “0006”,
“exp_month”: 8,
“exp_year”: 2022,
“country”: “DNK”,
“is_3d_secure”: false,
“issued_to”: null,
“hash”: “d345e9e91c4b46f938662OWBm2Ucn2YCzoTby8bMmL2dLFlhInxa”,
“number”: null,
“customer_ip”: “”,
“customer_country”: “DK”,
“fraud_suspected”: false,
“fraud_remarks”: [],
“fraud_reported”: false,
“fraud_report_description”: null,
“fraud_reported_at”: null,
“nin_number”: null,
“nin_country_code”: null,
“nin_gender”: null,
“shopsystem_name”: null,
“shopsystem_version”: null
“link”: {
“url”: “https://payment.quickpay.net/payments/ef45d3ca56c65733e777c4fe0cf0484a536d7329d20f1b9d79c16dab62b80195”,
“agreement_id”: 11,
“language”: “da”,
“amount”: 100,
“continue_url”: null,
“cancel_url”: null,
“callback_url”: “http://domain.com/callbackurl”,
“payment_methods”: “”,
“auto_fee”: false,
“auto_capture”: null,
“branding_id”: null,
“google_analytics_client_id”: null,
“google_analytics_tracking_id”: null,
“version”: “v10”,
“acquirer”: null,
“deadline”: null,
“framed”: true,
“branding_config”: {},
“invoice_address_selection”: null,
“shipping_address_selection”: null,
“customer_email”: null
“shipping_address”: null,
“invoice_address”: null,
“basket”: [],
“shipping”: null,
“operations”: [
“id”: 1,
“type”: “authorize”,
“amount”: 100,
“pending”: false,
“qp_status_code”: “20000”,
“qp_status_msg”: “Approved”,
“aq_status_code”: “000”,
“aq_status_msg”: “Approved”,
“data”: {},
“callback_url”: “http://domain.com/callbackurl”,
“callback_success”: true,
“callback_response_code”: “200”,
“callback_duration”: 121,
“acquirer”: “nets”,
“callback_at”: “2018-03-20T08:48:36+00:00”,
“created_at”: “2018-03-20T08:48:35Z”
“test_mode”: true,
“acquirer”: “nets”,
“facilitator”: null,
“created_at”: “2018-03-20T08:48:27Z”,
“updated_at”: “2018-03-20T08:48:36Z”,
“retented_at”: null,
“balance”: 0,
“fee”: null,
“deadline_at”: null